Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz uses his 25 years of legal expertise and activism for Black Rights to inform his new release, The Book of Khallid, which chronicles the life and times of Khallid Abdul Muhammad, a notorious legend in the Black activist movement and a militant prophet of today’s radical generation.
Muhammad (1948-2001) was the security chief and fiery National Spokesman for the controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Later, Muhammad ascended to become the national leader of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.
He has amassed reportedly billions of online impressions and is still revered today as a Hip-Hop Icon due to his appearances on multi-platinum-selling Public Enemy and Ice Cube albums. In addition to his relationship with rap immortal Tupac Shakur, Muhammad was also featured on the latest Grammy award-winning D’Angelo album and was praised by rap heroine Lauryn Hill and “King of the South” trap artist, T.I.
Muhammad’s controversial 1993 speech at Kean College in New Jersey in which he called Jews the “bloodsuckers” of the Black community and advocated for the murder of white South Africans sent shockwaves across America. Farrakhan stripped Muhammad of his position as Nation of Islam spokesman, and Muhammad became the only U.S. citizen to ever be formally condemned in a 97-0 vote by the U.S. Senate, (including Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del.), the U.S. House of Representatives and the White House.
Muhammad went on to become the leader of the New Black Panther Party until his death in 2001.
The Book of Khallid offers a candid, insightful look into Muhammad’s life and viewpoints, and how his legacy continues to be an influence today. Decades later, speculation remains regarding the assassination attempt on Muhammad by Nation of Islam affiliate James Bess in May 1994 and Muhammad’s mysterious death in 2001. The Book of Khallid features FBI surveillance files on Muhammad.
Author and Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz is one of the pillars of the Black movement and is likely one of the world’s most experienced speakers on the lecture circuit regarding Black Rights. Shabazz is currently litigating some of the most high-profile cases in America involving race and justice and police abuse. In this current era of struggle, Shabazz has established a stellar career with a near-unparalleled record of accomplishment in effective organizing, lecturing and litigating. Shabazz has maintained a frontline position in the fight for justice with cutting-edge lawyering and otherwise exemplary work as a Black professional. He is currently the National President of Black Lawyers for Justice and Black Rights Matter ( and continues to make great strides in the legal field. Throughout his career as an activist, he has maintained a Civil Rights practice and personal injury practice that serves and gives justice to victims. His successful cases have included The Million Youth March Court battles; Washington D.C. public school and jail abuse cases (Robertson and Harrington v. District of Columbia); consumer racism cases (Lamons v. Korean Grocers and Estate of Kareem Ali v. Montgomery County); and now several high-profile Federal Court cases currently fill his calendar.
Shabazz has been featured on many major television news broadcasts and in printed news outlets.