If you were to ask people right now about the one thing that holds them back from traveling, many will tell you it is money.
“I don’t have enough money to travel.” They would say.
Travelling the world without money seem like an impossible dream, but you can do it without breaking the bank.
Firstly, you do not need to be well heeled to travel. There are plenty of ways of traveling cheap like budgeting. Travelling cheap entails finding ways to lower your expenses.
And also planning ahead is a good way to achieve your travel goals. You need to sit down and plan around your finances. Know how much you have and how much you are willing to spend. The trick is to not go above the limit you have set for yourself because you know how deep your pockets are.
Look for modest accommodation
Travelling on a budget requires advance planning and effort to find the best deals. You will always find cheap hotels around the world, but the struggle is finding one that you like. Take your time finding secured and comfortable accommodation.
Booking on a budget means that your expectations are not high, but you might be surprised when you there and find that it is a decent hotel.
You have options to choose from- hotel, guest house, lodge or any other accommodation. It also depends on what you planned for your trip.
Book flights in advance
These days travellers are spoilt for choice with many options on where to go and how to get there. There is always something for every taste and budget.
The benefit of booking a flight beforehand is that you get to have access to variety of flights and choices. Choosing the best seat on the plane, by the window. You get to enjoy your flight and catch a glimpse of the aerial views.
Also taking advantage of the awesome sales. You can get your plane tickets at the cheapest price. Book your flight as early as possible so you save on paying extra for last minute charges.
Travel out of season
Prices are usually lower during the off season as there is a least amount of tourist activities taking place. You will find great deals on flights, accommodation and even some sight-seeing tours.
Tourist peak seasons vary depending on the destination you are planning to go and others factors. In some places their off season is usually in winter, some mostly during summer. You have to take all of this into consideration when choosing your destination. And the activities you want to do when you get there.
Get everything sorted and prepare for your trip
Embarking on a travel journey is exciting especially if it is something you have always wanted to do and you are truly about to do it. You may feel overwhelmed with the excitement and forget to do some rain checking to avoid unexpected humps on your way.
You are going to a foreign land with a limited budget so you can not afford to have an disruption to your trip.
Take extra measures for the unexpected that might happen. Make sure you pack everything you need to avoid spending money on buying things you already have just you forgot to them at home.
Plan ahead, all these tiny things that may seem unimportant can break or make your holiday schedule.
With the right budget and the right mindset, you can make your travel dreams a reality. Do you see now that the only thing that was standing between you and travel dream is yourself? Travelling does not have to be expensive.
Book that flight and get lost in the sunset!